Welcome to our little space on the internet. We are a locally owned and operated junk removal service in the Gainesville, Florida area.
Best ways to contact us:
If you are ready to get your free estimate then use one of the following methods to get in contact. We respond to multiple methods of contact 24 hours a day. Mention this website to get 10% off for a limited time.
Send us a text 24 hours a day at (407)494-6392.
If you include a photo and location of the item or items we will get back to you with an estimate of price. If you agree we will schedule a pickup as early as same day. Photo estimates are based on what is seen in the photo and they are only estimates. They may go up or down based on the actual job at hand. Any increases in estimated price and final price will be explained prior to starting work.
Call us at (407)494-6392 from 11am-5pm.
We are available by phone between the hours of 11am and 5 pm. If there is an emergency to remove an item right away you may call anytime, but we prefer text messages before 11am and after 5pm. If we do not answer your call, please leave a detailed message and your preferred method of contact and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Email us at contact@iremovejunk.com.
Email us 24 hours a day and we will respond as soon as we get the email. You can include photos in the email and a location if you would like a quick estimate back. Also please include your preferred method of contact.
You may also use this contact form:
(Please include: contact information, location, description of the job)